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How can I remove a specific security user from all databases on a server matching a given name?

I have a setup similar to this:

  • SQL-2005-SRVR
    • Security
    • Database1
      • Security
        • MYAPP_USER
        • OTHERUSER
    • Database2
      • Security
        • OTHERUSER
    • Database3
      • Security
        • MYAPP_USER
        • TESTUSER
    • Database4
      • Security
        • MYAPP_USER
    • Database5
      • Security
        • OTHERUSER
        • TESTUSER

I am trying to figure out how to write a SQL script that will remove all users matching MYAPP_USER from all databases on the server. I am not familiar with how to iterate over multiple databases from within a single script, or even how to query if the user exists within that database. Additionally, I am unsure what context/catalog this script would be run from - master, msdb, model?

In the above example, Database1, Database3, and Database4 would all have their users named MYAPP_USER dropped.

I also need to remove the login from the server itself, but I know that's as easy as DROP LOGIN MYAPP_LOGIN.

The script will be run as a server administrator, so permissions are not an issue.

How would I go about removing all of the users in each database that match the name MYAPP_USER?

like image 753
qJake Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 03:02


2 Answers

EXECUTE master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; 
begin try
  drop user [<put a name in here>]
  print ''did drop at ?''
end try
begin catch
  print ''did not drop at ?''
end catch

Way easier. And you can tell where it worked.

like image 130
jerrylagrou Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 16:02


You could use the undocumented procedure sp_MSforeachdb, check for the existence of the database user by joining master.sys.server_principals to sys.database_principals (and filtering on the sql server login name), then drop the user if found. The user linked to MYAPP_LOGIN will get dropped, even if it is not specifically named MYAPP_USER

EXECUTE master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; 
    SET @Tsql = ''''

    SELECT @Tsql = ''DROP USER '' + d.name
    FROM sys.database_principals d
    JOIN master.sys.server_principals s
        ON s.sid = d.sid
    WHERE s.name = ''MYAPP_LOGIN''

    EXEC (@Tsql)

Note If the SQL Server login is created from Windows, replace MYAPP_LOGIN with YourDomain\\ADUser (yes, it's a double back-slash).

like image 25
Dave Mason Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 17:02

Dave Mason