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How can I refresh homestead for a new site in my environment?

I'm running Laravel 4 on my development machine (Mac) with homestead and enjoying it thus far but having trouble when adding a new site. The problem is that I add lines like this for a new site in my ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml file:

    - map: ~/Sites
      to: /home/vagrant/Sites

    - map: listingnaples.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/Sites/listingnaples.com/public

    - map: videocraftersusa.dev
      to: /home/vagrant/Sites/videocraftersusa.com/

Then, my /etc/hosts looks like this:

# MY SITES listingnaples.dev videocraftersusa.dev laneyandchris.dev

If i go in and do a homestead destroy followed by homestead up I can access any of those new sites. That deletes my databases though and really sets me back. How do I "refresh" so to speak? If I add myawesomesite.dev to my /etc/hosts, how can I have homestead pick it up?

I tried homestead --provision but that isn't a recognized command.

For what it's worth, in my ~/.homestead/ directory, I do not have a VagrantFile. Not sure where that's at so I can't run a vagrant provision either.

like image 278
Chris Farrugia Avatar asked Nov 23 '14 02:11

Chris Farrugia

1 Answers

You can also reload the box and the settings

vagrant reload --provision

This reload the box and see if there are changes, if that's the case it will make the changes while reloading

like image 65
Beaudinn Greve Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Beaudinn Greve