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How Can I Refer To Kivy's Root Widget From Python?

In Kivy language, it is possible to refer to the root widget with something like

            on_press: print root

but trying to access root from Python is impossible

class SomeButton(Button):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(SomeButton, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.text = "Button"
        self.font_size = 15
    def on_press(self, *args):
        print root

and will result in

NameError: global name 'root' is not defined

or if using self.root,

AttributeError: 'SomeButton' object has no attribute 'root'
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Tan Wang Avatar asked Aug 23 '15 00:08

Tan Wang

People also ask

What is root widget Kivy?

Widgets in Kivy are organized in trees. Your application has a root widget , which usually has children that can have children of their own. Children of a widget are represented as the children attribute, a Kivy ListProperty .

What is KIVY app?

Kivy is a free and open source Python framework for developing mobile apps and other multitouch application software with a natural user interface (NUI). It is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, and can run on Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Kivy.

2 Answers

If you want the actual root widget from the App then I use the following from within any Widget class...

from kivy.app import App
class myWidget(BoxLayout):
    app= App.get_running_app()
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Jim Morris Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Jim Morris

Inside a kv file, root always refers to a parent with angle brackets. There can therefore be multiple roots which you can refer to in a kv file, depending on where you are in the file.

# Root here refers to the parent class in angle brackets
            text: root.label_text

# and further down in the same kv file, this other
# class is also a root.. here root refers to
# this class
            text: root.label_text

In a python file then, these classes could be represented like so:

class SomeClass:

    label_text = StringProperty("I'm a label")

    def __init__(**kwargs):
        super(SomeClass, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        b = BoxLayout()
        l = Label(text=self.label_text)
        # now we're set up like the first class in the above kv file

Now look above and compare how the kv file assigned the text to the label, and how it's done in the python file above. In kv it was root.label_text, but above, the class uses self. As in, text=self.label_text. It's also used when adding the boxlayout, self.add_widget(b). self is a way of referring to the current instance of the class.

That's how you basically refer to what would be 'root' in the kv file, but in the python file.

If you don't know why self is used, then I advise learning about classes in python, as that's where the explanation to that lies.

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Totem Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10
