I developed an application that sends data for an Arduino by the serial port, but I can't understand how I can receive it on the Arduino. I send a string by the serial port for the Arduino and the Arduino receives it, but it does not work in my code (on the Arduino, I receive a byte at a time).
Update: it's working ;)
The code in C# that sends data:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
pulic class senddata() {
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Define a serial port.
serialPort1.PortName = textBox2.Text;
serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600;
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
serialPort1.Write("10"); //This is a string. The 1 is a command. 0 is interpeter.
The Arduino code:
I have Update the Code
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;
String incomingString;
int pos;
void setup()
incomingString = "";
void loop()
// Read a byte from the serial buffer.
char incomingByte = (char)Serial.read();
incomingString += incomingByte;
// Checks for null termination of the string.
if (incomingByte == '0') { //When 0 execute the code, the last byte is 0.
if (incomingString == "10") { //The string is 1 and the last byte 0... because incomingString += incomingByte.
incomingString = "";
Some things which make my eyebrow raise:
This will write exactly one byte, the 1
, but no newline and no trailing NUL-Byte.
But here you are waiting for an additional NUL byte:
if (incomingByte == '\0') {
You should use WriteLine
instead of Write
, and wait for \n
instead of \0
This has two side effects:
First: If there is some buffering configured, then there is a certain chance, than a new line will push the buffered data to the Arduino. To be certain you have to dig through the docs at MSDN.
Second: This makes your protocol ASCII-only. This is important for easier debugging. You can then use a plain terminal program like Hyperterm or HTerm (edit) or even the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE itself (edit) to debug your Arduino-Code without worrying about bugs in your C# code. And when the Arduino code works you can concentrate on the C# part. Divide et impera.
Edit: Another thing I noticed after digging out my own Arduino:
incomingString += incomingByte;
if (incomingByte == '\n') { // modified this
if(incomingString == "1"){
This will of course not work as expected, because the string will contain "1\n" at this point. Either you compare to "1\n" or move the +=
line after the if
You could alternatively try using the Firmata library - it's a much better way of having standard firmware on the Arduino and managing it from .net
I believe, Firmata 2.0+ has support for I2C and servo control.
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