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How can I query rows with unique values on a joined column?

I'm trying to have my popular_query subquery remove dupe Place.id, but it doesn't remove it. This is the code below. I tried using distinct but it does not respect the order_by rule.

SimilarPost = aliased(Post)
SimilarPostOption = aliased(PostOption)
popular_query = (db.session.query(Post, func.count(SimilarPost.id)).
         join(Place, Place.id == Post.place_id).
         join(PostOption, PostOption.post_id == Post.id).
         outerjoin(SimilarPostOption, PostOption.val == SimilarPostOption.val).
         join(SimilarPost,SimilarPost.id == SimilarPostOption.post_id).
         filter(Place.id == Post.place_id).

all_posts = db.session.query(Post).select_from(filter.pick()).all()

I did a test printout with

print [x.place.name for x in all_posts]

[u'placeB', u'placeB', u'placeB', u'placeC', u'placeC', u'placeA']

How can I fix this?


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nubela Avatar asked Sep 07 '12 11:09


1 Answers

This should get you what you want:

SimilarPost = aliased(Post)
SimilarPostOption = aliased(PostOption)
post_popularity = (db.session.query(func.count(SimilarPost.id))
        .filter(PostOption.post_id == Post.id)
        .outerjoin(SimilarPostOption, PostOption.val == SimilarPostOption.val)
        .join(SimilarPost, sql.and_(
                SimilarPost.id == SimilarPostOption.post_id,
                SimilarPost.place_id == Post.place_id)
popular_post_id = (db.session.query(Post.id)
        .filter(Post.place_id == Place.id)

deduped_posts = (db.session.query(Post, post_popularity)
        .filter(Post.id == popular_post_id)
        .order_by(post_popularity.desc(), Post.timestamp.desc())

I can't speak to the runtime performance with large data sets, and there may be a better solution, but that's what I managed to synthesize from quite a few sources (MySQL JOIN with LIMIT 1 on joined table, SQLAlchemy - subquery in a WHERE clause, SQLAlchemy Query documentation). The biggest complicating factor is that you apparently need to use as_scalar to nest the subqueries in the right places, and therefore can't return both the Post id and the count from the same subquery.

FWIW, this is kind of a behemoth and I concur with user1675804 that SQLAlchemy code this deep is hard to grok and not very maintainable. You should take a hard look at any more low-tech solutions available like adding columns to the db or doing more of the work in python code.

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Mu Mind Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Mu Mind