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How can I proxy to a ssl endpoint with the webpack-dev-server proxy


When I try to proxy this http://localhost:9000/rpc request, I receive:

cannot proxy to https://example.appspot.com:80    (write EPROTO  101057795:error:140770FC:SSL routines:   SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:794:) 

webpack-dev-derver config:

devServer: {     contentBase: "./",     hostname: 'localhost',     port: 9000,     proxy: {         '/rpc': {             target: 'https://example.appspot.com',             secure: false,             changeOrigin: true     // **Update-2 SOLVED**         }     } } 

I use fetch : fetch('/rpc' ... to make the request and Windows 10 professional to run webpack.

Without the proxy : fetch('https://example.com/rpc' ... the SSL request works fine.

Update. I had to use the SSL port 443 (see the answer of Steffen).
Now using: https://example.appspot.com:443

But still not working with secure: true. The console log shows:

cannot proxy to https://example.appspot.com:443  (Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "Host: localhost.  is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.appspot.com, DNS:*.thinkwithgoogle.com, DNS:*.withgoogle.com, DNS:*.withyoutube.com, DNS:appspot.com, DNS:thinkwithgoogle.com, DNS:withgoogle.com, DNS:withyoutube.com") 

And with secure: false. The console reports: 404 (Not Found)

Update: SOLVED using changeOrigin: true. Docs here.

like image 839
voscausa Avatar asked Feb 28 '16 17:02


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1 Answers

        target: 'https://example.com:80', 

It is very unlikely that port 80 is used for HTTPS. Usually port 443 is used

SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:794:) 

It is very likely that the server at port 80 did not reply with HTTPS but with some HTTP error because the message from the client was the start of a TLS handshake and not the expected HTTP request. But the client expected the reply to the TLS handshake and not a HTTP error. That's why you get this error.

Without the proxy : fetch('https://example.com/rpc' ... the SSL request works fine.

That's because you use in this case https://example.com and not https://example.com:80. Because you don't give an explicit port it will use the default port for https, i.e. 443.

like image 86
Steffen Ullrich Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Steffen Ullrich