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How can I provide activity context with Dagger dependecies?

How can I provide activity context in mainModule class ? Thanks! The code looks like this:

@Component(modules = {AndroidInjectionModule.class, AppModule.class, ActivityBuilder.class})
public interface AppComponent {

    interface Builder {

        Builder application(Application application);

        AppComponent build();


    void inject(MvmApp app);

Activtity builder:

public abstract class ActivityBuilder {

    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = {MainModule.class})
    abstract MainActivity bindMainActivity();

And I have an appModule, and a module for each activity:

public class AppModule {

    Context provideContext(Application application) {
        return application;

    DataManager provideDataManager(AppDataManager appDataManager) {
        return appDataManager;

    String provideDatabaseName() {
        return "carDatabase";

    AppDataBase provideAppDatabase(@DatabaseInfo String dbName, @ApplicationContext Context context) {
        return Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDataBase.class, dbName)

    DbHelper provideDbHelper(AppDbHelper appDbHelper) {
        return appDbHelper;


public class MvmApp extends Application implements HasActivityInjector {

    DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> activityDispatchingAndroidInjector;

    public void onCreate() {



    public DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> activityInjector() {
        return activityDispatchingAndroidInjector;

All my activities extends a base activity which inject the Dagger dependecies.

public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MvpView {

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {



In mainModule I need to provide the context of the activity.

public class MainModule {

    MainMvpPresenter<MainMvpView> provideMainPresenter(
            MainPresenter<MainMvpView> presenter) {
        return presenter;

    CompositeDisposable provideCompositeDisposable() {
        return new CompositeDisposable();

    CarAdapter provideCarAdapter( @ActivityContext Context context) {
        return new CarAdapter(context);

like image 849
L.Dan Avatar asked Oct 10 '17 10:10


People also ask

How do you give context in Dagger 2?

You can use the @Provides annotation in your DaggerModule to obtain application Context. Alternatively you can create a module which accepts a Context parameter in its constructor in case you need activity context. Then you can build the component in your activity and inject the arguments into it.

How do you add a dagger dependency?

In order to use dependency injection with the help of dagger 2 libraries, we need to add it's dependency. Go to Gradle Scripts > build. gradle(Module: app) and add the following dependencies. After adding these dependencies you need to click on Sync Now.

What is difference between Hilt and dagger?

In Dagger, we create scope annotations such as ActivityScope, FragmentScope to specify the lifecycle, but hilt provides us with core components such as Application, Activity, Fragment, Service, and View.

2 Answers

The solution was:

public class MainModule {

    MainMvpPresenter<MainMvpView> provideMainPresenter(
            MainPresenter<MainMvpView> presenter) {
        return presenter;

    CompositeDisposable provideCompositeDisposable() {
        return new CompositeDisposable();

    CarAdapter provideCarAdapter(MainActivity activity) {
        return new CarAdapter(activity);

like image 57
L.Dan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09


For people facing a similar issue, I've made a project with Kotlin, and the new android-dagger extension with a lengthy explanation on how things work over here: https://github.com/Obaied/BareBonesAndroidDagger

like image 43
solidak Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
