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How can I programmatically read wifi passwords in Android

I am trying to get the WiFi passwords programmatically from a non-rooted Android device.

All I need is to be able to read the passwords, I do not need to be able to edit them.

Can I get permission in the manifest file?

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fergany Avatar asked Jan 24 '14 10:01


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2 Answers

This is not possible as this would be a major security risk.

You may be able to if the phone is rooted but I do not know, I would imagine, and hope, even if you could get to where it is stored on the phone, it would be encrypted.

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Boardy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10


If your application is a privileged app (that is - installed in /system/priv-app for example using SuperUser) then you can use the new WifiManager#getPrivilegedConfiguredNetworks() API in Lollipop and newer.

See: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/758bdf4a915c313f1c3bef0b95b494c91f363f03%5E%21/#F1

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Aldrian Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10
