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How can I "profile" just my .m functions in MATLAB??




I have a relatively big code and I would like to use "profile" to improve it. When I use "profile" I got a report listing all the functions (built in's, and my .m functions) and their respective running time.

I would like to list just functions written by myself (not the built in's) and their respective running time. Anyone knows how to do that??

Thanks in advance.

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Noname Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 14:11


1 Answers

Here is a try, using the 'info' parameter of the profile function. I am discarding Matlab functions by comparing their complete path name with matlabroot. Here is the code:

profile on

... % Put the code to profile here

% Stop the profiler and get infos
stats = profile('info');

% Sort results based on the total execution time
[~,I] = sort([stats.FunctionTable.TotalTime], 'descend');

for i = I

    % Get file structure
    F = stats.FunctionTable(i);

    % Discard Matlab functions
    if ~isempty(findstr(F.CompleteName, matlabroot))

    % Display the total execution time and the function name
    fprintf('%.06f sec\t', F.TotalTime);
    fprintf('%s\n', F.FunctionName);


Although the profiler gives a representation that looks much nicer, this does accomplish what you set out to do.

NB: At first I thought I could use the output of the exist function, but only a core subset of Matlab functions are labeled 'builtin'. For instance repmat and verLessThan have the same flag as custom functions, and are therefore not considered to be built-in.


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Ratbert Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
