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How can I prevent the Print Progress dialog appearing when performing a print preview

In my C# application, I'm attempting to generate a print preview without the progress dialog appearing on screen.

I believe you can use PrintDocument.PrintController to prevent this when printing for real (i.e. not a print preview), however it doesn't seem to work when performing a print preview.

My code is as follows:

public FrmDeliveryNotePrintPreview(DeliveryNote deliveryNote)

    this.Text = "Delivery Note #" + deliveryNote.Id.ToString();

    // The print preview window should occupy about 90% of the
    // total screen height

    int height = (int) (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height * 0.9);

    // Making an assumption that we are printing to A4 landscape,
    // then adjust the width to give the correct height:width ratio
    // for A4 landscape.

    int width = (int) (height / 1.415);

    // Set the bounds of this form. The PrintPreviewControl is
    // docked, so it should just do the right thing

    this.SetBounds(0, 0, width, height);

    PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
    PrintDeliveryNotes pdn = new PrintDeliveryNotes(
        new DeliveryNote[] { deliveryNote },
    PrintDocument printDocument = pdn.PrintDocument;
    printDocument.PrintController = new PreviewPrintController();
    ppcDeliveryNote.Document = printDocument;

The print preview works exactly as I want, apart from the fact that the print preview progress dialog is displayed.

Suggestions please?

like image 942
Bryan Avatar asked Aug 31 '09 12:08


1 Answers

This works for me:

Set the printcontroller of your document to a StandardPrintController.

static class Program

        static void Main()
            PrintDocument doc = new PrintDocument();
            doc.PrintController = new StandardPrintController();
            doc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(doc_PrintPage);


        static void doc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawString("xxx", Control.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(e.PageBounds.Width / 2, e.PageBounds.Height / 2));
like image 165
Matt Jacobsen Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Matt Jacobsen