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How can I prevent a server from becoming locked after a Remote Desktop session

As part of our databuild run a 3rd party program (3D Studio Max) to export a number of assets. Unfortunately if a user is not currently logged in, or the machine is locked, then Max does not run correctly.

This can be solved for freshly booted machines by using a method such as TweakUI for automatic login. However when a user connects via Remote Desktop (to initiate a non-scheduled build, change a setting, whatever) then after the session ends the machine is left in a locked state with Max unable to run.

I'm looking for a way to configure windows (via fair means or foul) so either it does not lock when the remote session ends, or it "unlocks" itself a short while after. I'm aware of a method under XP where you can run a batchfile on the machine which kicks the remote user off, but this does not appear to work on Windows Server.

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Andrew Grant Avatar asked Aug 20 '08 20:08

Andrew Grant

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2 Answers

There is a separate terminal service connection available called the 'console' connection.

You can connect to this space using mstsc /console /v:servername. Use mstsc /? for full command line options.

This allows you to connect, open up the terminal services manager and boot the bad sessions.

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samjudson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09


Logging in over RDP shouldn't affect whether the console locks. If you don't log out of RDP (just closing the client keeps your session pending), then your session will be locked. You can solve that with idle timeouts in Terminal Services Manager.

If your console is locking, that's a seperate policy in Local Computer Settings or some such. If you have a domain, set it with a GPO. If you need the exact name of the policy, let me know and I'll dig it up for you.

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Mark Brackett Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Mark Brackett