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How can I plot vector field on Julia?




I'm new on Julia and I've tried to make the code of following post How to plot a vector field in Julia?, but, didn't work, so, I would like to know if it's possible to plot with the package "Plots" and how? It'll be very important to my research.

P.s.: Someone gave to me the following code, but, actually, I don't know why isn't working:

using Plots

function example()
  X = linspace(-2, 2, 100)
  Y = linspace(-2, 2, 100)
  f(x, y) = x^3 - 3x + y^2
  contour(X, Y, f)

  x = linspace(-2, 2, 11)
  y = linspace(-2, 2, 11)
  df(x, y) = [3x^2 - 3; 2y] / 25
  quiver!(x, y', quiver=df, c=:blue)

  xlims!(-2, 2)
  ylims!(-2, 2)

like image 918
Gustavo Sarturi Avatar asked Sep 17 '18 04:09

Gustavo Sarturi

2 Answers

As has already been said in the comments, you should provide error messages as well as people otherwise have to guess what's wrong with your code.

However, in your case I think I could guess it :)

On Julia 1.0 the following works:

using Plots

function example()
  X = range(-2, stop=2, length=100)
  Y = range(-2, stop=2, length=100)
  f(x, y) = x^3 - 3x + y^2
  contour(X, Y, f)

  x = range(-2, stop=2, length=11)
  y = range(-2, stop=2, length=11)
  df(x, y) = [3x^2 - 3; 2y] / 25
  quiver!(x, y', quiver=df, c=:blue)

  xlims!(-2, 2)
  ylims!(-2, 2)


and gives the following output

enter image description here

Note that I only changed all occurences of linspace to range(-2, stop=2, length=X) because the linspace function has been deprecated in Julia 0.7.

like image 103
carstenbauer Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10


For Plots v1.10.4, you need to provide a start position for every quiver

# same code as in above answer
quiver!(repeat(x,11), vec(repeat(y',11)), quiver=df, c=:blue)
like image 37
wildart Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10
