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How can I pass variable into an evaluate function?

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Can we pass variables to functions?

variable is in the scope of startFunction and its value is passed to adding function. variable2 is only in the scope of function adding where the value of 1 is added to the value of variable. you return the value of variable2 but there is no variable to receive that value.

What is puppeteer evaluate?

Evaluates a function in the page's context and returns the result. If the function passed to page. evaluteHandle returns a Promise, the function will wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.

You have to pass the variable as an argument to the pageFunction like this:

const links = await page.evaluate((evalVar) => {

  console.log(evalVar); // 2. should be defined now

}, evalVar); // 1. pass variable as an argument

You can pass in multiple variables by passing more arguments to page.evaluate():

await page.evaluate((a, b c) => { console.log(a, b, c) }, a, b, c)

The arguments must either be serializable as JSON or JSHandles of in-browser objects: https://pptr.dev/#?show=api-pageevaluatepagefunction-args

I encourage you to stick on this style, because it's more convenient and readable.

let name = 'jack';
let age  = 33;
let location = 'Berlin/Germany';

await page.evaluate(({name, age, location}) => {


},{name, age, location});

Single Variable:

You can pass one variable to page.evaluate() using the following syntax:

await page.evaluate(example => { /* ... */ }, example);

Note: You do not need to enclose the variable in (), unless you are going to be passing multiple variables.

Multiple Variables:

You can pass multiple variables to page.evaluate() using the following syntax:

await page.evaluate((example_1, example_2) => { /* ... */ }, example_1, example_2);

Note: Enclosing your variables within {} is not necessary.

It took me quite a while to figure out that console.log() in evaluate() can't show in node console.

Ref: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/1944

everything that is run inside the page.evaluate function is done in the context of the browser page. The script is running in the browser not in node.js so if you log it will show in the browsers console which if you are running headless you will not see. You also can't set a node breakpoint inside the function.

Hope this can help.

For pass a function, there are two ways you can do it.

// 1. Defined in evaluationContext
await page.evaluate(() => {
  window.yourFunc = function() {...};
const links = await page.evaluate(() => {
  const func = window.yourFunc;

// 2. Transform function to serializable(string). (Function can not be serialized)
const yourFunc = function() {...};
const obj = {
  func: yourFunc.toString()
const otherObj = {
  foo: 'bar'
const links = await page.evaluate((obj, aObj) => {
   const funStr = obj.func;
   const func = new Function(`return ${funStr}.apply(null, arguments)`)

   const foo = aObj.foo; // bar, for object
   window.foo = foo;
}, obj, otherObj);

You can add devtools: true to the launch options for test

I have a typescript example that could help someone new in typescript.

const hyperlinks: string [] = await page.evaluate((url: string, regex: RegExp, querySelect: string) => {
}, url, regex, querySelect);