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How can I pass an arithmetic operator based on a condition in JS ? Say + for 'add' and * for 'times'



I am writing a JS program, where i have a condition to make some arithmetic operations based on the input. I need to add two values if i encounter the operation type as 'add' and multiply if i get 'times' as my operator value.

I tried using basic if conditions which can solve my problem , but also gives a lot of boiler plate code. I am trying to minimise the code and optimise it more.

Here is what i tried

if (otMethod === 'add') {
    if (method === 'add'){
        // some computation
            result = ( (num + value) + otValue);
        // some more computation 
        // some computation
        result = ( (num * value) + otValue);
        // some more computation 
} else {
    if (method === 'add'){
        // some computation
            result = ( (num + value) * otValue);
        // some more computation 
        // some computation
        result = ( (num * value) * otValue);
        // some more computation 

In this , i had to change the OT calculation based on otMethod and had to do arithmetic operation over num based on method value.

What my question is , can we dynamically pass the operator itself based on the condition of method and otMethod, so i can reduce the number of if conditions. Thanks in advance!

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devil-0-per Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 12:10


2 Answers

You can't pass the operator themselves but you don't need to use operators. You can just use functions instead:

function add (a,b) { return a+b }
function times (a,b) { return a*b }

var op = {
    add: add,
    times: times

result = op[otMethod](op[method](num, value),otValue);

You can make it more readable by formatting it as follows:

result = op[otMethod](

What this boils down to is you are executing the functions and passing the result to another function. For example, if both otMethod and method are add it becomes:

result = add( add(num,value), otValue )

Putting the functions in an object allows us to use the square bracket notation to choose which function to execute. The format of the operation above actually has a formal name: it is called the Polish notation.

If you can use ES6 then the arrow function syntax makes the code really terse:

var op = {
    add: (a,b) => a+b,
    times: (a,b) => a*b

Epilogue - Polish Notation

Basically the regular notation formula

(a + b) * c becomes

* + a b c in Polish notation.

The advantage of Polish notation is that it does not require braces to denote operator precedence and also the operator and values are naturally in function call format:

*( +(a,b), c).

The programming language Lisp actually function like this. In Lisp + and * are not operators but functions.

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slebetman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


  if (otMethod === 'add') {
      result = eval( "(num " + oprMap[method] + " value) + otValue"  );
    } else {
      result = eval( "(num " + oprMap[method] + " value) + otValue"  );

    var oprMap = {
      "add" : "+",
      "times" : "*"

Using eval you can directly put the evaluate operation taking operator from the map.

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Tuhin Das Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10

Tuhin Das