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How can I override the static file handler in Flask?




Specifically, how can I assign a new handler to the "static" endpoint? I know I can change the static_folder and static_path, but I specifically want to assign a different function to handle requests of any url that are routed to the "static" endpoint in the routing map. I've tried assigning an empty werkzeug.routing.Map to the <Flask app>.url_map but to no avail - I still get an error ("View function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function: static") when attempting to add_url_rule.

Thanks in advance.

like image 897
Adam Glassman Avatar asked Aug 20 '14 19:08

Adam Glassman

1 Answers

Set static_folder to None to prevent Flask from registering the view:

app = Flask(static_folder=None)

Now you are free to create your own.

Alternatively, have the static view use a different URL path, and give your alternative a different endpoint name:

app = Flask(static_url_path='/flask_static')

def my_static(filename):
    # ...

Flask will always use the endpoint name static for the view it creates, so the above uses my_static instead.

like image 73
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 19:11

Martijn Pieters