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How can I optimize a looped 4D matrix-vector-multiplication with ARM NEON?

I'm working on optimizing a 4D (128 Bit) matrix-vector multiplication using ARM NEON Assembler.

If I load the matrix, and the vector into the NEON Registers and transform it, I won't get a great performance boost, because the switch to the NEON Registers cost 20 cycles. Furthermore I reload the matrix for each multiplication, despite it has not changed.

There is enough register-space to perform the transformation on more vectors a time. This IS increasing performance.


I'm wondering how fast this operation would be if I do the loop over all vertices (increasing pointers) within the assembler. But I am at the very beginning of Neon assembler and though don't know how to do this. Can someone give me an hand on that?

What I want to achieve:

  1. load matrix and first vector
  2. store loop count "count" and..
  3. -- LOOP_START --
  4. perform multiply-adds (do the Transformation)
  5. write q0 to vOut
  6. increase pointers vIn and vOut by 4 (128 Bit)
  7. LOAD vIn to q5.
  8. -- LOOP_END --

existing C-Version of loop:

void TransformVertices(ESMatrix* m, GLfloat* vertices, GLfloat* normals, int count)
    GLfloat* pVertex = vertices;
    int i;  

    // iterate trough vertices only one at a time
    for (i = 0; i < count ; i ++)
        Matrix4Vector4Mul( (float *)m, (float *)pVertex, (float *)pVertex);
        pVertex += 4;

    //LoadMatrix( (const float*) m);

    //// two at a time
    //for (i = 0; i < count ; i += 2)
    //    Matrix4Vector4Mul2( (float *)m, (float *)pVertex, (float *)(pVertex + 4));
    //      pVertex += 8;

Following code for NEON-Version on doing only one transformation:

void Matrix4Vector4Mul (const float* m, const float* vIn, float* vOut)
    asm volatile

    "vldmia %1, {q1-q4 }     \n\t"
    "vldmia %2, {q5}         \n\t"

    "vmul.f32 q0, q1, d10[0] \n\t"        
    "vmla.f32 q0, q2, d10[1] \n\t"      
    "vmla.f32 q0, q3, d11[0] \n\t"        
    "vmla.f32 q0, q4, d11[1] \n\t"

    "vstmia %0, {q0}"

    : // no output
    : "r" (vOut), "r" (m), "r" (vIn)       
    : "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5" 


C-Version of transformation:

void Matrix4Vector4Mul (const float* m, const float* vIn, float* vOut)
    Vertex4D* v1 =    (Vertex4D*)vIn;
    Vertex4D vOut1;
    Vertex4D* l0;
    Vertex4D* l1;
    Vertex4D* l2;
    Vertex4D* l3;

    // 4x4 Matrix with members m00 - m33 
    ESMatrix* m1 = (ESMatrix*)m;

    l0 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m00;
    vOut1.x = l0->x * v1->x;
    vOut1.y = l0->y * v1->x;
    vOut1.z = l0->z * v1->x;
    vOut1.w = l0->w * v1->x;

    l1 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m10;
    vOut1.x += l1->x * v1->y;
    vOut1.y += l1->y * v1->y;
    vOut1.z += l1->z * v1->y;
    vOut1.w += l1->w * v1->y;

    l2 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m20;
    vOut1.x += l2->x * v1->z;
    vOut1.y += l2->y * v1->z;
    vOut1.z += l2->z * v1->z;
    vOut1.w += l2->w * v1->z;

    l3 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m30;
    vOut1.x += l3->x * v1->w;
    vOut1.y += l3->y * v1->w;
    vOut1.z += l3->z * v1->w;
    vOut1.w += l3->w * v1->w;

    *(vOut) = vOut1.x;
    *(vOut + 1) = vOut1.y;
    *(vOut + 2) = vOut1.z;
    *(vOut + 3) = vOut1.w;

Performance: (Transform > 90 000 Vertices | Android 4.0.4 SGS II)

C-Version:    190 FPS 
NEON-Version: 162 FPS ( .. slower -.- )

--- LOAD Matrix only ONCE (seperate ASM) and then perform two V's at a time ---

NEON-Version: 217 FPS ( + 33 % NEON | + 14 % C-Code )
like image 332
oc1d Avatar asked Oct 19 '12 14:10


1 Answers

Did you try playing with compiler flags?

-mcpu=cortex-a9 -mtune=cortex-a9 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon -O3

does pretty job for me in this case (gcc 4.4.3, distributed with Android NDK 8b). Try to have tight source code by defining internal functions static and inline as well as moving matrix (m[X][0] stuff) to static global variables or just merge Matrix4Vector4Mul into loop and make matrix local variables instead of keep passing it in function - gcc doesn't get smart there.

When I do this, I get below for the main loop.

  a4:   ed567a03    vldr    s15, [r6, #-12]
  a8:   ee276aa0    vmul.f32    s12, s15, s1
  ac:   ee676aa8    vmul.f32    s13, s15, s17
  b0:   ed564a04    vldr    s9, [r6, #-16]
  b4:   ee277a88    vmul.f32    s14, s15, s16
  b8:   ed165a02    vldr    s10, [r6, #-8]
  bc:   ee677a80    vmul.f32    s15, s15, s0
  c0:   ed565a01    vldr    s11, [r6, #-4]
  c4:   e2833001    add r3, r3, #1
  c8:   ee046a89    vmla.f32    s12, s9, s18
  cc:   e1530004    cmp r3, r4
  d0:   ee446aaa    vmla.f32    s13, s9, s21
  d4:   ee047a8a    vmla.f32    s14, s9, s20
  d8:   ee447aa9    vmla.f32    s15, s9, s19
  dc:   ee056a22    vmla.f32    s12, s10, s5
  e0:   ee456a01    vmla.f32    s13, s10, s2
  e4:   ee057a21    vmla.f32    s14, s10, s3
  e8:   ee457a02    vmla.f32    s15, s10, s4
  ec:   ee056a8b    vmla.f32    s12, s11, s22
  f0:   ee456a83    vmla.f32    s13, s11, s6
  f4:   ee057aa3    vmla.f32    s14, s11, s7
  f8:   ee457a84    vmla.f32    s15, s11, s8
  fc:   ed066a01    vstr    s12, [r6, #-4]
 100:   ed466a04    vstr    s13, [r6, #-16]
 104:   ed067a03    vstr    s14, [r6, #-12]
 108:   ed467a02    vstr    s15, [r6, #-8]
 10c:   e2866010    add r6, r6, #16
 110:   1affffe3    bne a4 <TransformVertices+0xa4>

Having 4 loads, 4 multiplies, 12 multiply and accumulates and 4 stores which matches with what you are doing in Matrix4Vector4Mul.

If you are still not satisfied with compiler generated code, pass compiler '-S' to get assembly output and use that as a starting point to improve further instead of starting from scratch.

You should also check that vertices is cache line size aligned (32 bytes for Cortex-A9) to get a nice data flow.

For vectorization there are gcc options like -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=9 to print information what was vectorized. Also search in gcc documentation this one to see how you can direct gcc or what you need to modify to get your multiplications vectorized. This might sound a lot to dig in but it would be more fruitful for you in long run than 'hand vectorizing'.

like image 61
auselen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
