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How can I notify my program when the database has been updated?

I have a C# program that queries the SQL Server database for some values.

Currently the application queries the database every minutes to make sure that the table is up to date.

What I would like to be able to do is that the query is only done when the database has been changed / updated. How do I notify my program when something has been updated in the database?


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Verve Innovation Avatar asked Sep 16 '10 03:09

Verve Innovation

1 Answers

To get a notify when some record is updated, avoid the application to query the table you cab use TableDependency component (in your specific case SqlTableDependency). Here is an example:

public partial class Window1 : Window
    private IList<Stock> _stocks;
    private readonly string _connectionString = 
        "data source=.;initial catalog=myDB;integrated security=True";
    private readonly SqlTableDependency<Stock> _dependency;

    public Window1()
        this.McDataGrid.ItemsSource = LoadCollectionData();
        this.Closing += Window1_Closing;

        var mapper = new ModelToTableMapper<Stock>();
        mapper.AddMapping(model => model.Symbol, "Code");

        _dependency = new SqlTableDependency<Stock>(_connectionString, "Stocks", mapper);
        _dependency.OnChanged += _dependency_OnChanged;
        _dependency.OnError += _dependency_OnError;

    private void Window1_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)

    private void _dependency_OnError(object sender, TableDependency.EventArgs.ErrorEventArgs e)
        throw e.Error;

    private void _dependency_OnChanged(
        object sender, 
        TableDependency.EventArgs.RecordChangedEventArgs<Stock> e)
        if (_stocks != null)
            if (e.ChangeType != ChangeType.None)
                switch (e.ChangeType)
                    case ChangeType.Delete:
                        _stocks.Remove(_stocks.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Symbol == e.Entity.Symbol));
                    case ChangeType.Insert:
                    case ChangeType.Update:
                        var customerIndex = _stocks.IndexOf(
                                _stocks.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Symbol == e.Entity.Symbol));
                        if (customerIndex >= 0) _stocks[customerIndex] = e.Entity;

                this.McDataGrid.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>

    private IEnumerable<Stock> LoadCollectionData()
        _stocks = new List<Stock>();

        using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
            using (var sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand())
                sqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Stocks]";

                using (var sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    while (sqlDataReader.Read())
                        var code = sqlDataReader
                        var name = sqlDataReader
                        var price = sqlDataReader

                        _stocks.Add(new Stock { Symbol = code, Name = name, Price = price });

        return _stocks;

The event handler is triggered for every INSERT UPDATE or DELETE operation done on the table, reporting you the modified value. So, in case you are interested to keep your C# Datatable up to date, you simple can get the fresh data from the event handler.

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Christian Del Bianco Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Christian Del Bianco