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How can I migrate my MongoDB to RethinkDB?



How can I migrate my MongoDB collections to RethinkDB tables?

I'm not concerned about changing my old Mongo _id's to Rethink id's because they will be ignored in my implementation, and I'm not concerned about them cluttering my data.

like image 834
bobjones Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 18:03


1 Answers

I wrote a quick BASH script to solve this. Because I only had the JavaScript RethinkDB driver, I had to install the python driver first so I could use rethinkdb import.

For this example, I am migrating the mongo collections: users, pinboards, and analytics; add your collections as needed to the following BASH command:

for collection in users pinboards analytics; \
do \
  mongoexport \
    --host my.mongo.server \
    --db my_mongo_database \
    --collection $collection \
  > $collection.json; \
  rethinkdb import \
    --file $collection.json \
    --table my_rethink_database.$collection; \
  rm $collection.json; \

Don't forget to change the names of your collections, host, and database. Also, adjust arguments to mongoexport and rethinkdb import as needed.

This is quick and dirty, but I hope it gets someone started in the right direction!

like image 84
bobjones Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
