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How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly?


I have more than sufficient resources free:

enter image description here

but Visual Studio Code is taking several seconds to show an auto-completion list, even when I have typed 80% of what is to be completed.

How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly?

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Mawg says reinstate Monica Avatar asked May 28 '20 10:05

Mawg says reinstate Monica

2 Answers

It is possible that you have some VS code's extension enabled that is slowing down your system. To check if that's the case open Command Palette (Ctrl+shift+p) and type "Disable all installed extensions". Check if the experience is faster and more responsive now. If that's the case now you need to find the extension that is slowing you, for doing so follow these steps: open Command Palette (Ctrl+shift+p) and type "Show Installed Extensions", now from the list you will have to spend some time activating and deactivating extensions until you find the one causing the troubles.

NOTE: You can show suggestions at any time pressing Ctrl+space and Ctrl+shift+space, so you can try forcing it when it's not showing.

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ssoBAekiL Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


An out of blue suggestion, but you can try light weight editors like Sublime text 3. The response time in auto-complete there is one of the best I have ever seen.

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Rupesh Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
