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How can I make the footerview always stay at the bottom in UITableViewController?

I am using a UITableviewcontroller and I want the footer view to always stay at the bottom of the screen. However, the y position of the footer view is changing as per the height of the tableviewcell. How can I always make it stick to the bottom of the screen?

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Isha Balla Avatar asked Jan 05 '16 10:01

Isha Balla

2 Answers

A footer is always added to the bottom of the content size. So my approach is

Approach 1: (Available for Both Static and Dynamic TableView)

Add a ViewController in Storyboard and set your footer view(or button) at the bottom of the ViewController.

Add a ContainerView in the ViewController and set constraint

Add a UITableViewController and embedded the tableview in the container view

Approach 2: (Available for both Dynamic TableView)

Add a ViewController, set footer view in the bottom, add UITableView and set your auto layout.

You can't set static tableview in a UIViewController

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Ankur Lahiry Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 05:11

Ankur Lahiry

The tableview footer view would always stay at the bottom of the tableview and would always scroll with it. If you need to make the footer view fixed at the bottom then you can not use a TableViewController.You will have to use UIViewController , put your tableView as a subview. Put the footer also as another subview and its done.

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MeghaJain Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 05:11
