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How can I make sure that exactly one thread will do something?

I have multiple threads which add items to a lock-free queue.
The items are then processed by another thread.

In the producer threads, I need to kick off the consumer thread, but only if it's not already running or kicked off.


public void BeginInvoke(Action method)
    //This runs on multiple background threads
    if (ProcessQueue hasn't been posted)
        uiContext.Post(ProcessQueue, null);
private void ProcessQueue(object unused)
    //This runs on the UI thread.
    Action current;
    while (pendingActions.TryDequeue(out current))

I'm using .Net 3.5, not 4.0. :(

like image 725
SLaks Avatar asked Jun 23 '11 15:06


3 Answers

The easiest way is to use Semaphore. It will have a count of queue size.

like image 95
Andrey Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10


I created the following class to do this:

///<summary>Ensures that a block of code is only executed once at a time.</summary>
class Valve
    int isEntered;  //0 means false; 1 true

    ///<summary>Tries to enter the valve.</summary>
    ///<returns>True if no other thread is in the valve; false if the valve has already been entered.</returns>
    public bool TryEnter()
        if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref isEntered, 1, 0) == 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    ///<summary>Allows the valve to be entered again.</summary>
    public void Exit()
        Debug.Assert(isEntered == 1);
        isEntered = 0;

I use it like this:

readonly Valve valve = new Valve();
public void BeginInvoke(Action method)
    if (valve.TryEnter())
        uiContext.Post(ProcessQueue, null);
private void ProcessQueue(object unused)
    //This runs on the UI thread.
    Action current;
    while (pendingActions.TryDequeue(out current))

Is this pattern safe?
Is there a better way to do this?
Is there a more correct name for the class?

like image 32
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10


Does this work for you?

volatile int running;  //not a boolean to allow ProcessQueue to be reentrant.

private void ProcessQueue(object unused)
        Action current;
        while (pendingActions.TryDequeue(out current))

    while (pendingActions.Count != 0);

public void BeginInvoke(Action method) 
    if (running != 0)
        uiContext.Post(ProcessQueue, null); 
like image 42
jyoung Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
