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How can I make ng-init to trigger ng-change?

I just started learning Angular. There is a <select> element that should fill the input elements below with one of some presents.

This is my view.

    ng-options="preset.name for preset in presets"

<input ng-model="name" type="text"/>
<textarea ng-model="description"></textarea>

This is my controller.

$scope.presets = [
    { name: 'Lorem ipsum', description: 'Dolor sit amet.'   },
    { name: 'Consectetur', description: 'Adipisicing elit.' },
    { name: 'Sed do',      description: 'Eiusmod tempor.'   },

$scope.select = function() {
    $scope.name        = $scope.selection.name;
    $scope.description = $scope.selection.description;

When I load the page, I can see the first option selected. But the input fields remain blank until I manually change the selection. Why doesn't Angular set the input fields automatically in the first place and what can I do about it?

like image 662
danijar Avatar asked Jun 14 '14 15:06


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What is ng init?

The ng-init Directive is used to initialize AngularJS Application data. It defines the initial value for an AngularJS application and assigns values to the variables. The ng-init directive defines initial values and variables for an AngularJS application.

What is NG model and Ng-change?

Ng-change is a directive in AngularJS which is meant for performing operations when a component value or event is changed. In other words, ng-change directive tells AngularJS what to do when the value of an HTML element changes. An ng-model directive is required by the ng-change directive.

What is the difference between ng-repeat and Ng-options?

ng-options is the directive which is designed specifically to populate the items of a dropdown list. One major advantage using ng-options for the dropdown is, it allows us to pass the selected value to be an object. Whereas, using ng-repeat the selected value can only be string.

1 Answers

The reason it does not set the text fields initially is because there is no binding setup for $scope.name and $scope.description until select() is called. You could set it up initially in your controller function:

$scope.init = function(selected) {    
    $scope.selection = selected;
    $scope.name = $scope.selection.name;
    $scope.description = $scope.selection.description;
$scope.select = function() {
    $scope.name        = $scope.selection.name;
    $scope.description = $scope.selection.description;

And in your HTML:

    ng-options="preset.name for preset in presets"

Alternative Method:

Alternatively, you can have the input fields bind to the same selection model. That way, when the selection model is updated on the scope, it will update all the associated views.

Change the model to 'selection.name' and 'selection.description':

<input ng-model="selection.name" type="text"/>
<textarea ng-model="selection.description"></textarea>

There is no need for the select() function anymore because there is already a two-way binding setup between the selected model and the input fields.

like image 160
pixelbits Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10
