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How can I make jasmine.js stop after a test failure?

I want the runner to stop after the first failure rather than running all the tests.

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davidadsit Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 03:02


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Excluding Tests / Specs If you want to exclude a specific test, simply use xit() instead of it() . The x means exclude. describe('description', function () { xit('description', function () {}); }); If you want to exclude an entire describe block, use xdescribe() instead of describe() .

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If the function passed to Jasmine takes an argument (traditionally called done ), Jasmine will pass a function to be invoked when asynchronous work has been completed.

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var throwMeAnError = function() { //throw new Error(); }; describe("Different Methods of Expect Block",function() { var exp = 25; it("Hey this will throw an Error ", function() { expect(throwMeAnError). toThrow(); }); }); As can be seen, we have commented that line from where our method was throwing the exception.

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Jasmine doesn't actually support parallel execution. It runs one spec (or before/after) function at a time.

1 Answers

It's a hack, but you can do this by inserting this script before your first test;

<script type="text/javascript">
// after every test has run
afterEach(function () {
  // check if any have failed
  if(this.results_.failedCount > 0) {
    // if so, change the function which should move to the next test
    jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function () {
      // to instead skip to the end

Jasmine's latest commit at the time of applying this was https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/commit/8b02bf731b193e135ccb486e99b3ecd7165bf95c

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Jamie Mason Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10

Jamie Mason