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How can I make Electron channels more type safe?

Here is how I handle communication over Electron channels:


contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("myIpcRenderer", {
  invoke: (channel: Channel, ...args: any[]) =>
    callIpcRenderer("invoke", channel, ...args),
  send: (channel: Channel, ...args: any[]) =>
    callIpcRenderer("send", channel, ...args),
  on: (channel: Channel, ...args: any[]) =>
    callIpcRenderer("on", channel, ...args),


interface MyIpcRenderer {
  invoke(channel: Channel.ReadFiles, ...args: any[]): Promise<ReadFileResult[]>;

The MyIpcRenderer type enforce correct use in renderer.ts:

const files = await window.myIpcRenderer.invoke(Channel.ReadFiles, [

But it does not enforce correct use in main.ts. ipcMain.handle refers to an electron method that can accept channels with any name and retturn any kind of promise.

  async (_event, paths: string[]): Promise<any> => {

How can I rewrite my code to enforce main usage in main.ts as well?

like image 230
user1283776 Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 07:11


1 Answers

I see two ways to do this.

First possibility is to override Electron library types declaration in your typings.d.ts file:

declare module 'electron' {
  export interface IpcMain extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
      channel: Channel,
      listener: (
        event: IpcMainInvokeEvent,
        ...args: any[]
      ) => Promise<void> | any
    ): void;

Considering that Channel is a string literal (type Channel = 'channel1' | 'channel2'), you would get suggestions for 'channel1' and 'channel2', but the initial signature channel: string would still be allowed and any string would be accepted.

The second possibility I see is to wrap it, which would give better type safety:

const myHandler = (
  channel: Channel,
  listener: (
    event: IpcMainInvokeEvent,
    ...args: any[]
  ) => Promise<void> | any
) => ipcMain.handle(channel, listener);

// only 'channel1' and 'channel2' would be accepted
myHandler('channel1', (event) => {});

I you would like to type the arguments currently declared with the spread operator ...args: any[] you would need to declare the parameters explicitly in both cases:

listener: (
  event: IpcMainInvokeEvent,
  arg1: string[],
  arg2: boolean,
  arg3: number
) => Promise<void> | any
like image 150
Guillaume Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11
