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How can I make a class in C# that I can initialize just like a string?




I want to be able to initialize a class just like I initialize a string:

string str = "hello";
MyClass class = "hello";

I really don't know what exactly string str = "hello"; does. I assume "hello" gets translated by the compiler into new System.String("hello"); but I'm not sure. Maybe is just not possible or maybe I'm missing something very elemental; if that's the case excuse my ignorance :). What I'm trying to make is a class that works just like a string but stores the string in a file automatically.

Ok, here's my code after reading you answers:

class StringOnFile
    private static string Extension = ".htm";
    private string _FullPath;
    public bool Preserve = false;

    public string FullPath
            return _FullPath;

    public static implicit operator StringOnFile(string value)
        StringOnFile This = new StringOnFile();
        int path = 0;

            This._FullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path.ToString() + Extension);

        using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(This._FullPath))

        return This;

    public static implicit operator string(StringOnFile stringOnFile)
        using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(stringOnFile._FullPath))
            return sr.ReadToEnd();

        if(!Preserve) File.Delete(FullPath);

What do you think?

like image 631
Juan Avatar asked Jun 30 '10 18:06


2 Answers

Try the following

class MyClass {
    public static implicit operator MyClass(string value) {
        // Custom logic here 
        return new MyClass();

void Example() {
  MyClass v1 = "data";

This will get the end result you are looking for. However I would advise against this approach. There are several pitfalls with implicit conversions that you will eventually run into. Much better to just have a constructor which takes the string

like image 112
JaredPar Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


Well, you can create an implicit conversion from string to your type... but I would personally rarely do so. One example of a class that does is XNamespace from LINQ to XML. Does your class really just have a string member? If so, maybe it's suitable. Or maybe it only has a string and some other fields which can usually be defaulted... but in most cases, I wouldn't expect a conversion from string to be appropriate.

To put it another way: should your users really think of your class in exactly the same way as a string? Is it effectively a wrapper around a string? If you could give us more details, we could give more advice.

And no, the compiler doesn't translate "hello" into new System.String("hello") - that would just cause a recursive problem, of course, as well as breaking interning. IL has direct support for string constants, which the C# compiler uses.

like image 38
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Jon Skeet