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How can I log low-level OS file transactions in C#?

Since File/Process Monitor falls short in terms of filtering and unnecessary duplication when logging, I want to recreate what that program does and log all Windows file operations live in realtime.

I want to record various attributes such as the time, process name, source path, destination path, operation, result, and detail, just like Process Monitor does.

How can I get C# to extract this information from the OS?

EDIT: As zett42 pointed out, the FileSystemWatcher won't quite work as for example, file events created from processes themselves won't be intercepted. For instance, none of these transactions show up, even though I added the events: Changed, Created, Renamed, and Deleted to the FileSystemWatcher and set the EnableRaisingEvents flag to true.

EDIT 2: Using SimonMourier's suggestion of the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent nuget package, I managed to knock up the code below.

This section is put into a background worker:

Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => session.Stop();
session.Source.Kernel.FileIOWrite += Kernel_FileIOWrite;            

And then the FileIOWrite event created runs the following when called (automatically):

private void Kernel_FileIOWrite(Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Parsers.Kernel.FileIOReadWriteTraceData obj)
    string filename = obj.FileName;
    string processpath = "";
    if (obj.ProcessID == 0) processpath = "System Idle Process";
    else if (obj.ProcessID == 4) processpath = "System";
        try { processpath = "ID: " + obj.ProcessID + ": "+ Process.GetProcessById(obj.ProcessID).MainModule.FileName; }
        catch { processpath = "error ID: "+ obj.ProcessID; }
    richTextBox1.AppendText(filename + " ............."+ processpath +"\n");

Unfortunately, FileIOReadWriteTraceData.FileName is not picking up things Procmon picks up such as (for example), very common Chrome stuff such as writing to C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies-journal or C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Current Session

like image 305
Dan W Avatar asked Dec 20 '18 16:12

Dan W

People also ask

What is the log level for the log file?

What Is a Logging Level. A log level or log severity is a piece of information telling how important a given log message is. It is a simple, yet very powerful way of distinguishing log events from each other. If the log levels are used properly in your application all you need is to look at the severity first.

What is an OS log?

A container of related log messages.

What is verbose logging level?

The Verbose level logs a message for both the activity start and end, plus the values of the variables and arguments that are used. By default, the Verbose level includes: Execution Started log entry - generated every time a process is started. Execution Ended log entry - generated every time a process is finalized.

How do I choose a log level?

When choosing a log level, it's important to know how visible you want the message to be, how big of a problem it is, and what you want the user to do about it. With that in mind, this is the decision tree I follow when choosing a log level: Can you continue execution after this? If no, use the error log level.

1 Answers

You can never capture all the things that Process Monitor captures in C#. One of the reasons that ProcMon is so good at capturing all of those things is because ProcMon contains a driver that is loaded in kernel mode and hooks itself and listens for those events. If you want to replicate the process monitor, you will have to write your own driver to capture all the things that you want to. A windows driver cannot be written in C# and you will have to write the driver in C/C++.

The other option is to get Process Monitor to log everything to file and filter the events yourself.

like image 153
Security Guard Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Security Guard