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How can I launch a script from the MacOS X dock?



I know that I can pin applications to the dock and launch them from there. However, is there a way to pin a program to the dock that is not an "application" in the MacOS sense, like a bash script for example?

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user66237 Avatar asked May 01 '09 22:05


People also ask

How do I run a script on Mac?

In the Script Editor app on your Mac, click the Run button in the toolbar, or press Command-R, to execute the commands in your script.

3 Answers

You can drag any file to the right bar of the Dock (where the Trash and folders are), and execute it by clicking it.

To execute a shell script, you can save it as a .command file and the OS will pick it up.

Another alternative would be to create an Applescript application for your script, and use it like any application.

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pgb Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10


Rename it to something.command, and in its Get Info window, select Open With > Terminal.app. Then when you double-click it, it will launch the Terminal and run the script. You can drag that to the dock.

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JW. Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


The Script Editor can create applications based on AppleScript. Stick the following code into a script and save it as an application:

do shell script "~/someScript.sh"

Where ~/someScript.sh is the path to your shell script.

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Samir Talwar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10

Samir Talwar