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how can I know where users come from if they are coming from another website of mine?

I have two websites, website A and website B, the website A is a hotsite that is linked to website B, where the sales happen.

We need to know how the user got the website A and turned into a customer in website B(it means he bought something), so we can mesure the good sources to invest.

as the developer, I have access to these two websites source-code and can implement any google-analytic tag on them.


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Jonathan Avatar asked Mar 31 '11 17:03


1 Answers

Web browsers generally send a referrer header, which contains the URL of the page which linked to the current page.

You can access this in the HTTP requests made to site B, and track sessions differently when the first page load is referred by site A. You can also access a document.referrer property in JavaScript, and use it to manipulate your analytics.

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s4y Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
