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How Can I Know The Registered Devices In My GCM Application Cloud (List Devices)

1- let's Say I've Create A GCM Application In A Google Apis Console ...

How Can I List And View All The Devices Are Registered In My Application Cloud

To Perform An A Random Action Like Send A Push Notification to them ?

2- Should I Create A database to Store The Registration IDs Returned By Registered Devices If I Use My Own Server Like (Asp.net)

like image 942
Loai Avatar asked Dec 15 '12 13:12


1 Answers

How Can I List And View All The Devices Are Registered In My Application Cloud

There is no GCM call to do this. Your app needs to tell your server the IDs to use for GCM broadcasts to that app on that device, and your server then needs to store that data somewhere.

Should I Create A database to Store The Registration IDs Returned By Registered Devices If I Use My Own Server Like (Asp.net)

A database would seem like a fine choice.

like image 59
CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
