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How can I install the Phalcon Devtools




For the version 0.5.0 of Phalcon, how can I install the phalcon-devtools so that I can use them through the command shell?

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Nikolaos Dimopoulos Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 16:10

Nikolaos Dimopoulos

1 Answers

Although at the time of this writing Phalcon-Devtools for 0.5.0 is still in alpha stage, they are stable enough to be used in development environments.

Phalcon Devtools are now offered via a PEAR channel.

Instructions (also available in http://pear.phalconphp.com)

Registering the channel

pear channel-discover pear.phalconphp.com

Listing available packages

pear remote-list -c phalcon

Installing a package

pear install phalcon/package_name

Installing a specific version/stability

pear install phalcon/package_name-1.0.0
pear install phalcon/package_name-beta

You can also receive updates using the channel's feed

As of 2012-09-09 the commands are:

pear channel-discover pear.phalconphp.com
pear install phalcon/Devtools-0.5.0

If everything went well, issue:

phalcon commands

and you will see:

Phalcon DevTools (0.5.0a4)

Available commands:
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Nikolaos Dimopoulos Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Nikolaos Dimopoulos