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How can I install package in ActivePerl without Internet connection?


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How do I install ActivePerl modules?

The easiest way to install additional modules into ActivePerl is by using PPM, the Perl Package Manager. But on each platform there is also a free native C compiler available that can be used to build modules locally if that turns out to be necessary.

How do I run a package manager in Perl?

Quick start: at the PPM command prompt, type ' search ' to get a listing of all available packages, then type ' install <packagename> ', where <packagename> is the name of a package displayed by the ' search ' command. To list the packages you have previously installed using PPM, use the ' query ' command.

In ActivePerl, "ppm" installs a package from the Internet, "ppm install x.ppd" installs from a ppd file, but most CPAN packages are distributed as .tar.gz

How do you supply modules to a machine running ActivePerl that doesn't have an Internet connection? ("make" will probably not be available.)

Update: an Internet connection can be used to download files and transfer them to the machine with a USB key, etc.