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How can I inspect page resources in Firefox?

In Chromium / Chrome I can use "Inspect element" to view a list of the current page's resources, including JS, images, videos. Basically, all files that have been downloaded in service of that page.

When I "Inspect element" in Firefox I can't find an equivalent. Am I missing it, or is there another way to access the list of files?

like image 689
lofidevops Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 15:12


People also ask

How do I inspect images in Firefox?

An easy way to inspect a specific web element in Firefox is to simply right-click on that particular element and select the Inspect Element option. It will directly open Developer tools including the editor, Console, Sources, and other tools as shown below.

How do I view page elements?

Remember how to open Inspect Element? Just right-click and click Inspect Inspect Element, or press Command+Option+i on your Mac or F12 on your PC. In the search field, you can type anything—ANYTHING—that you want to find on this web page, and it will appear in this pane.

How do I inspect pop up elements in Firefox?

Use the ••• menu at the upper right to make pop-ups sticky, then drop the pop-up. Back in the Browser Toolbox, use the little button to the left of the ••• menu to switch from debugging the background script to the popup. Now, finally, you can inspect.

Where is Tools page info in Firefox?

The tool can also be accessed through the main menu under Tools > Page Info or by clicking on the lock icon in the address bar, then clicking on the side arrow and clicking on the "More Information" link.

1 Answers

  1. Right-click on the page
  2. From the context menu, select View Page Info
  3. In the Page Info window, select the Media tab

...the list of files downloaded for that page will appear under the Media tab.

like image 54
lofidevops Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 09:10
