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How can I include macros / other templates with a FunctionLoader in Jinja2?



I'm trying to use a sandboxed Jinja2 environment to handle template customizations.

I've tried using both a DictLoader and FunctionLoader, but keep running into similar issues... I'm mostly concerned with FunctionLoader now.

I can't manage to include or import another template (which contains macros). The FuctionLoader's specified "load" function is never called for the referenced templates.

I've tried with no luck:

  • just expecting an import would hit the loader using basic 'import' and 'include' syntax
  • passing the loader into the context , seeing if it might pull in that way
  • passing a dict of templates into the context, also hoping it might pull in
  • a few more things , all of which I forgot

I'm sure there's got to be a way to support this - can someone point me in the right direction ?

like image 212
Jonathan Vanasco Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 21:03

Jonathan Vanasco

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1 Answers

The import syntax must use quoted strings.


{% import utils %}
{% import utils.macros as macros %}
{% from utils.macros import macro_1 , macro_2 %}


{% import "utils" as utils %}
{% import "utils.macros" as macros %}
{% from "utils.macros" import macro_1 , macro_2 %}

The quoted string is passed into the FunctionLoader or used as the key with the DictLoader

like image 82
Jonathan Vanasco Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Jonathan Vanasco