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How can I implement multiple versions of the same algorithm while avoiding code duplication and conflicting names?




I have developed the Insertion Sort and Quicksort algorithms in C++. Now, I intend to create at least four variations of the Quicksort algorithm. They will vary in how they choose pivot and whether they use insertion sort for small lists or not. In Java or C#, to avoid code duplication and conflicting names, I would implement each version of the Quicksort algorithm in a separate class file and use inheritance. Specifically, I would create the following classes:

  • QuicksortFixedPivot
  • QuicksortRandomPivot
  • QuicksortFixedPivotInsertion - subarrays with at most k elements are sorted using insertion sort
  • QuicksortRandomPivotInsertion

However, from my understanding "standalone" algorithms like Quicksort are usually not implemented in classes in C++.

Below is my initial implementation of Quicksort.


#pragma once
#include <vector>

namespace algorithms 
   void quicksort(std::vector<int> &list);
   void quicksort(std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right);
   int partition(std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right);


#include "quicksort.hpp"

namespace alg = algorithms;

void alg::quicksort(std::vector<int> &list)
   alg::quicksort(list, 0, list.size() - 1);

void alg::quicksort(std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right)
   if (left >= right) 

   int oldPivot = alg::partition(list, left, right);
   alg::quicksort(list, left, oldPivot - 1);
   alg::quicksort(list, oldPivot + 1, right);

int alg::partition(std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right)
   int pivot = list[left + (right-left)/2];
   while (true)
      while (list[left] < pivot)
      while (list[right] > pivot)
      if (left >= right)
         return left;
      std::swap(list[left], list[right]);

With the above background in mind, I have two questions.

Firstly, for being a single Quicksort implementation, have I used header files appropriately and structured my code in a good way? For example, is it good that the algorithm is outside of a class?

Secondly, how should I approach creating different versions of this algorithm while avoiding code duplication and naming conflicts? For instance, should I use classes or some other language construct?

I would appreciate if the answer included minimal code snippets that elucidate how any relevent language constructs should be used to achieve neat code.

like image 824
mooncow Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 16:01


2 Answers

You can do it similarly how std does that with e.g. execution policy for algorithms. It uses tagging which can be done easily with structs:

#include <iostream>

struct versionA{};
struct versionB{};

int fooA(versionA tag, int param)
    (void)tag;//Silences "unused parameter" warning
    return 2*param;

int fooB(versionB tag,int param)
    return 5*param;

int main()

Compiler can optimize out these empty unused structs so there is no harm in this. Alternative would be to use templates with the template parameter being the tag type and fully specializing them for individual versions. But this approach has few disadvantages - leaks implementation to header files and template function cannot be partially specialized, which wouldn't play well if the algorithms itself need template parameters. And templates mixed with overloads might not always lead to calling the expected function.

If the {} in the function calls bothers you, you can make global instances of those structs and pass them instead(by copy).

To answer you first question: Yes, you used them correctly. Very small note - #pragma once is not standard C++, but all standard compilers support it anyway. Proper alternative is to use include guards.

Full example with tagging:

// header file
#include <vector>

namespace algorithms 
namespace ver

    struct FixedPivot_tag{};
    struct RandomPivot_tag{};

    const extern FixedPivot_tag FixedPivot;
    const extern RandomPivot_tag RandomPivot;

void quicksort(ver::FixedPivot_tag tag, std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right);
void quicksort(ver::RandomPivot_tag tag, std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right);
// cpp file
namespace algorithms
    namespace ver
        constexpr const FixedPivot_tag FixedPivot{};
        constexpr const RandomPivot_tag RandomPivot{};

void quicksort(ver::FixedPivot_tag tag, std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right)
void quicksort(ver::RandomPivot_tag tag, std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right)
// usage
int main()
    std::vector <int> vector{5,4,3,2,1};
    using namespace algorithms;
like image 71
Quimby Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 03:02


If you think that there could be different parameters (like pivot and insertion) which can be chosen independently, then you should consider enums (or better enum classes).

You could pass the information either as a parameter (with runtime dispatch using a standard if) or as a template parameter (with compile-time dispatch using if constexpr). The code would be as follows:

namespace alg {

enum class pivot { first=0; last=1; middle=2};
enum class insertion { off=0; on=1 };

template <pivot p, insertion i>
int partition(std::vector<int> &list, int left, int right)
    int pivot;
    if constexpr (p==pivot::first)
        pivot = list[left];
    else if constexpr (p==pivot::last)
        pivot = list[right];
    else // if constexpr (p==pivot::first)
        pivot = list[left + (right-left)/2];

    while (true)
        while (list[left] < pivot)
        while (list[right] > pivot)
        if (left >= right)
            return left;
        std::swap(list[left], list[right]);

template <pivot p, insertion i>
void quicksort_section( std::vector<int>& list, int begin, int end )
   if (left >= right) 

   int oldPivot = partition(list, left, right);
   quicksort_section(list, left, oldPivot - 1);
   quicksort_section(list, oldPivot + 1, right);

template <pivot p, insertion i>
void quicksort(std::vector<int> &list)
    quicksort_section<p,i>(list, 0, list.size() - 1);

} // namespace alg

Note that templates are typically implemented in the header files.

This solves all your need. It is extendable and it avoids code duplication, i.e., you do not have to treat all N_pivot * N_insertion possibilities seperately.

If you use an old C++ version (pre C++17), you could just remove the constexpr (using some macro trick) because any reasonable compiler would eliminate occurring dead code.

like image 40
Handy999 Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 03:02
