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How can I implement conditional updating in Oracle?

I'm new to oracle and having a problem with one of my SQL Queries.

There are 2 Users: User1 and User2:

     Tab1               Tab2
    --------            -------- 
    EmpNo               EmpNo
    EmpName             EmpName
    ContactNo           Salary

User2 has all privileges in User1.Tab1, and there is no foreign key relationship between the two tables.

The Problem:

I wanted to add a column in tab2 "NameDesignation" And I wanted to insert the value in this column after checking the following condition:

WHEN User1.Tab1.EmpNo = User2.Tab2.EmpNo THEN
   INSERT INTO Tab2 VALUES (&designation)

I really have no idea how to do this, and was hoping for a little help. Any thoughts?

like image 977
naaz Avatar asked Feb 25 '09 07:02


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1 Answers

try this:

update user2.tab2.empno t2
set NameDesignation= &designation
where exists (select ''
              from user1.tab1 t1
              where t1.empno=t2.empno)

(statement updated to match the edited question)

like image 105
Edwin Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
