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How can i implement a running total in django Template?



I have a view that returns my sales summary grouped by sales_date e.g.

[{'sale_date':datetime.datetime(2010,10,5,0,0), 'salesum':2, 'item':1},
 {'sale_date':datetime.datetime(2010,10,5,0,0), 'salesum':10,'item':3},
 {'sale_date':datetime.datetime(2010,10,6,0,0), 'salesum':1, 'item':1}]

I have done the grouping inside the template, and combined it with html ul and li tags to give me a nice grouping effect based on the sale_date

My template grouping is based on this code:

{% regroup salecursor by sale_date|date:"j/m/Y" as salelist %}


{{ saleitem.grouper }

The result is:


  • item1 Name - 2
  • item2 Name - 10


  • Item1 Name - 1

How do u get a running total for each group i.e. group one should have a total of 12 and the second group a total of 1 and have something of this effect;


  • item1 Name - 2
  • item2 Name - 10

    Total 12


  • Item1 Name - 1

    Total 1

Thanks Gath

like image 773
gath Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 20:12


1 Answers

What? Don't you know of the running_total filter?

Just kidding there. There isn't one such but it is pretty easy to write one. This is a bit inefficient as it traverses the grouped list again to sum the salesum values.

# app_filters.py
def running_total(sales_list):
    return sum(d.get('salesum') for d in sales_list)

And you can use it thus in your template:

{% regroup salecursor by sale_date|date:"j/m/Y" as salelist %}

{% for sales in salelist %}
    <li>{{ sales.grouper }}
        {% for item in sales.list %}
        <li>{{ item.item }} - {{ item.salesum }}</li>
        {% endfor %}

        <li>Total: <b>{{ sales.list|running_total }}</b></li>
{% endfor %}
like image 162
Manoj Govindan Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 08:01

Manoj Govindan