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How Can I Have View-Specific <head> contents Using Asp.Net MVC 3 and Razor?

I want to link a specific style sheet in certain Views in addition to what already gets linked in _Layout.cshtml. For non-Razor, I see using the content place holder. How would I do this for Razor?

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JohnOpincar Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 19:01


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1 Answers

The equivalent of content placeholders in Razor are sections.

In your _Layout.cshtml:

<head> @RenderSection("Styles", required: false) </head> 

Then in your content page:

@section Styles {     <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/StandardSize.css")" /> } 

An alternative solution would be to put your styles into ViewBag/ViewData:

In your _Layout.cshtml:

<head>     @foreach(string style in ViewBag.Styles ?? new string[0]) {         <link href="@Url.Content(style)" />     } </head> 

And in your content page:

@{     ViewBag.Styles = new[] { "~/Content/StandardSize.css" }; } 

This works because the view page gets executed before the layout.

like image 99
marcind Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
