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how can i get user notifications with the new Graph API



im making switch to the new Graph API , and i try to replace all the rest api with the new Graph api reading the docs i saw i have some kind of real time function ( im not sure its related to getting the user notifications ) that suppose to return me callback . but im my case i like to invoke simple http command and get the user notification like ( like the old notification api's ) how can i do it now ? Thanks

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user63898 Avatar asked Apr 26 '10 09:04


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3 Answers

Update: It is no longer possible to read the user notifications.


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andyrandy Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09


If you want to get all recent notifications including read notifications via Graph API, call:


This can be useful for testing purposes.

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onosendai Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09


A GraphAPI-way: you can access notifications through USER_ID/notifications, it requires the manage_notifications permission.

Graph API Explorer example

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piotrp Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
