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How can i get the requested url in a webservice using asp.net?

I am writing a WebService and wants to find out the URL the client used to call my WebMethod.

Ok..i will explain it in detail..

Suppose i have a webservice (http://myWebservice/HashGenerator/HashValidator.asmx) as follows

public string ValidateCode(string sCode)
  //need to check requested url here.The call will be coming from different sites
  //For example www.abc.com/accesscode.aspx

please send me a solution for this.

like image 242
user455423 Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 08:11


1 Answers

You need this:

public static string mywebmethod()
string parameters =  HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery.ToString();
return parameters
like image 69
BioFrank Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10
