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How can I get the baseUrl (and other configuration settings) from a Restangular object?

Say I define a factory as follows:

angular.module('myServices').factory('TestService', ['Restangular', 
        return restangular.withConfig(function(RestangularConfigurer) {
            RestangularConfigurer.setRestangularFields({ id: 'Id'});

I would like to be able to write unit tests to confirm that my baseUrl and the id field has been set correctly. Is this possible? I know I can view the route with the .route property on my service but that doesn't include the baseUrl.

like image 330
Adam Modlin Avatar asked Jul 17 '14 16:07

Adam Modlin

1 Answers

Late response I know, but I was wondering this myself and couldn't find a definite answer. The returned object has a 'configuration' property, which has 'baseUrl' and 'restangularFields' properties.

I'd also suggest moving the custom Restangular object into its own service:


   function(restangular) {
     return restangular.withConfig(function(RestangularConfigurer) {
       RestangularConfigurer.setRestangularFields({ id: 'Id'});

   function (TestService) {
     return TestService.all('Job');

So you could test like so:

//sut is 'system under test', in your case the TestService

like image 128
pseudological Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
