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How can I get PhpStorm to stop on breakpoints in `vendor` folders?

I have PhpStorm and XDebug set up and working fine in my own project code.

However when I need to debug something within the vendor folder, PhpStorm does not stop at the breakpoint.

How do I set this up?

like image 532
alt Avatar asked Mar 05 '19 20:03


People also ask

How do I use breakpoints in PhpStorm?

To do this, go to Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger and select Drag to the editor or click with middle mouse button. Clicking a breakpoint will then enable or disable it.

What is a breakpoint in debugging?

About Breakpoints A breakpoint is a location in your script or keyword test where you want the script or test to pause during execution. Once execution is paused, you can check the state of the test, its output and its variables. Breakpoints only function if the Enable Debugging item of the Debug toolbar is checked.

How do I know if Xdebug is running?

Verify that Xdebug is properly running by checking again with phpinfo() or php -v as explained above. Note that 9003 is the default port. If this port is used by another service on your system, change it to an unused port. After adding these settings, restart your webserver again.

How do breakpoints work?

Software Breakpoint They work by patching the code you are trying to execute with an instruction that triggers a debug event in some fashion. This is accomplished by injecting a breakpoint instruction or when that is not supported by inserting an instruction that causes a fault that halts the core.

1 Answers

Found the issue - PhpStorm had auto mapped the public directory of my project, but needed to be told where to find the root server settings

like image 196
alt Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11
