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How can I get perl grep do perform regex expression capturing



I'm trying to capture a substring using regex capturing with grep by getting the content of (.*) in the code below.

            @substring = grep /^test-results(.*)/,@$(array_reference);

This is not working....

like image 547
Yetimwork Beyene Avatar asked May 29 '12 00:05

Yetimwork Beyene

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2 Answers

In list context, a regex match returns a list of what its captures matched, so all you need is:

@substrings = map /^test-results(.*)/, @$array;
like image 151
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10


Probably the map function is a better fit for what you want. You're looking for something similar to the following (untested) code:

@substrings = map { /^test-results(.*)/ ? $1 : () } @{ $arrayref };
like image 29
sarnold Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
