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How can I get input radio elements to horizontally align?


I want these radio inputs to stretch across the screen, rather than one beneath the other:


<input type="radio" name="editList" value="always">Always <br> <input type="radio" name="editList" value="never">Never <br> <input type="radio" name="editList" value="costChange">Cost Change 


input[type="radio"] {     margin-left:10px; } 


I've monkeyed around with the display properties, and googled, and bang (bung? binged?) for an answer, but haven't found one.

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B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 20:09

B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven

People also ask

How do you align a radio button horizontally?

To make a horizontal radio button set, add the data-type="horizontal" to the fieldset . The framework will float the labels so they sit side-by-side on a line, hide the radio button icons and only round the left and right edges of the group.

How do I display a radio button horizontally in CSS?

If you want to display radio buttons horizontally, you will need to use the CSS float property. The float property can be set to left, right, or none. By default, radio buttons are displayed vertically, so you will need to set the float property to left or right in order to display them horizontally.

How do you align radio buttons horizontally in react native?

To get input radio elements to horizontally align in React Material UI, we can add the row prop to the RadioGroup component. We add the RadioGroup component with the row prop to disable the choices in a row. And we set the onChange prop to setValue to set the selected choice as the value of the value state.

2 Answers

In your case, you just need to remove the line breaks (<br> tags) between the elements - input elements are inline-block by default (in Chrome at least). (updated example).

<input type="radio" name="editList" value="always">Always <input type="radio" name="editList" value="never">Never <input type="radio" name="editList" value="costChange">Cost Change 

I'd suggest using <label> elements, though. In doing so, clicking on the label will check the element too. Either associate the <label>'s for attribute with the <input>'s id: (example)

<input type="radio" name="editList" id="always" value="always"/> <label for="always">Always</label>  <input type="radio" name="editList" id="never" value="never"/> <label for="never">Never</label>  <input type="radio" name="editList" id="change" value="costChange"/> <label for="change">Cost Change</label> 

..or wrap the <label> elements around the <input> elements directly: (example)

<label>     <input type="radio" name="editList" value="always"/>Always </label> <label>     <input type="radio" name="editList" value="never"/>Never </label> <label>     <input type="radio" name="editList" value="costChange"/>Cost Change </label> 

You can also get fancy and use the :checked pseudo class.

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Josh Crozier Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Josh Crozier

This also works like a charm

<form>      <label class="radio-inline">        <input type="radio" name="optradio" checked>Option 1      </label>      <label class="radio-inline">        <input type="radio" name="optradio">Option 2      </label>      <label class="radio-inline">        <input type="radio" name="optradio">Option 3      </label>    </form>
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BLESSING Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09