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How can I get dot to draw connected subgraphs side by side?

This is what the generated graph looks currently: And here is the code for this:

  digraph {
  subgraph cluster01 {

    node [shape = doublecircle]; a001; 
    node [shape = ellipse];

    aSTART -> a0 [ penwidth = 3 label = "0" ];
    a0 -> a00 [ penwidth = 3 label = "0" ];  
    a00 -> a001 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1" ];

    a0 -> aSTART [ label = "1" ];  
    a00 -> a00 [ label = "0" ];  
    a001 -> a0 [ label = "0"];
    a001 -> aSTART [ label = "1"];
    aSTART -> aSTART [ label = "1"];  
  subgraph cluster02
  bSTART; b1; b11;
  node [shape = doublecircle]; b111;
  node [shape = ellipse];

  bSTART -> b1 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1" ];
  b1 -> b11 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1" ];  
  b11 -> b111 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1" ];

  b1 -> bSTART [ label = "0" ];  
  b11 -> bSTART [ label = "0" ];  
  b111 -> bSTART [ label = "0"];
  bSTART -> bSTART [ label = "0"];

  b111 -> b111 [label = "1"];

  subgraph cluster03

    cSTART; c0; c1; c01; c10;
    node [shape = doublecircle]; c010; c100;
    node [shape = ellipse];

    cSTART -> c0 [ penwidth = 3 label = "0" ];
    c0 -> c01 [ label = "1" ];  
    c01 -> c010 [ penwidth = 3 label = "0" ];

    cSTART -> c1 [ label = "1" ];  
    c1 -> c10 [ penwidth = 3 label = "0" ];    
    c10 -> c100 [ label = "0" ];    

    c0 -> c1 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1" ];
    c01 -> c1 [ label = "1" ];
    c1 -> c1 [label = "1"];

    c10 -> c01 [ penwidth = 3 label = "1"];

    c010 -> c100 [penwidth = 3 label = "0"];
    c010 -> c01 [label = "1"];

    c100 -> c01 [label = "1"];
    c100 -> c0 [label = "0"];


  a001 -> b1 [color = "red" style = "dashed"];
  b111 -> c1 [color = "red" style = "dashed"];

If I remove the 2 red lines, then it lines up the way I want it to:

How could I make it line up like this and have the two red lines at the same time?

like image 334
Tarnay Kálmán Avatar asked Apr 23 '11 13:04

Tarnay Kálmán

2 Answers

You can add


After your subgraph cluster03. Dot will yield you a warning but draw the way yo want:

D:\Code\funfunfun>dot -Tpng -oso1.png -Gcharset=latin1 so1.dot
Warning: aSTART was already in a rankset, ignored in cluster _anonymous_0
Warning: bSTART was already in a rankset, ignored in cluster _anonymous_0
Warning: cSTART was already in a rankset, ignored in cluster _anonymous_0

Patched graph available here

like image 190
Bruce Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09


You should use the constraint=false attribute on the two red edges.

If false, the edge is not used in ranking the nodes.

like image 45
Lesmana Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
