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How can I get code coverage of an external java library with jacoco?





If I have a java project that uses a library (a jar file), is it possible to get the code coverage of classes inside this jar ?

The idea behind this is that I would like to find out what proportion of the external libraries the project relies on (let's say spring, hibernate, or it could be the scala jars if it was a scala project, why not) are actually used. I even imagine that I could try to list them and rebundle them in a single jar that would contain only necessary .class files (with a plugin like apache felix, for example) to get the smallest possible jar. I'm not sure I really want to do this, I'm aware it is probably a bad idea for a number of reasons, but I think of it as an experimentation.

I can't find how to do it, jacoco reports only coverage for the class files directly inside my project. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I'm using the maven plugin like this :


I've tried changing the include tag, but the only effect is restricting the default which includes only the class files directly inside my project.

Thanks in advance !

Edit after oers' answer :

I found out how to do it with ant and antrun-plugin, though it is very complicated, I had much trouble with antrun plugin versions (unable to make a recent version work, even for a basic task) and I'd really like to stick to Maven. If someone knows how to do the equivalent with je jacoco maven plugin instead of ant, I'm interested !

Partial solution with ant : actually the jacoco.exec file already contained references to the classes of my external jars ; therefore it is the report task that should be told to take account of these jar, and not the runtime phase as I thought. Here is the maven configuration I used (I found help on http://intellectualcramps.wordpress.com/2012/03/22/jacoco-tycho-and-coverage-reports/ ) :


                            <taskdef name="jacoco-report"
                                   classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />
                            <taskdef classpathref="maven.runtime.classpath"
                     resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" />
               property="jacoco.exec.file.exists" />
                            <echo message="${project.basedir}/target/jacoco.exec" />
                                <equals arg1="${jacoco.exec.file.exists}"
                      arg2="true" />
                                    <echo message="Executing jacoco report" />

                                 file="${project.basedir}/target/jacoco.exec" />

                                                <structure name="Minerva">
                                     dir="target/classes" />

                                                        <fileset dir="C:/Data/dev/m2Repository/com/groupama/framework/crypt/fwk-cryptage/1.0/">
                                                            <include name="**/*.jar"/>


                                     dir="src/main/java" />
                                                <html destdir="${project.basedir}/target/jacoco/report" />
                                                <xml destfile="${project.basedir}/target/jacoco/report/jacoco.xml"/>
                                    <echo message="No jacoco.exec file found." />
like image 911
Guillaume Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 16:04


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2 Answers

Even though this question is old, it still seems relevant. If the external library is a Maven project, you can go to the library source directory and request JaCoCo report obtained previously with your testsuite from within there:

mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.8:report -Djacoco.dataFile=/path/to/jacoco.exec

You obtain the report in ${project}/target/site/jacoco directory.

like image 174
Hynek Mlnarik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10

Hynek Mlnarik

You need to give the report goal the classes of the library you want to analyze. Unfortunatly I can't find a documentation on that. The official docu is ... hm ... sparse

IF you can execute ant, I'd suggest looking at the report task.


        <file file="jacoco.exec"/>

    <structure name="Example Project">
            <fileset dir="classes"/> <!-- HERE THE CLASSES FROM YOUR LIB -->
        <sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
            <fileset dir="src"/> <!-- HERE THE SORUCESFROM YOUR LIB -->

    <html destdir="report"/>

like image 39
oers Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
