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How can I get class-based objects in JavaScript with jQuery?

I'm trying to move from Prototype to jQuery and there's one last thing I can't figure out how to do in the new library.

Here's what I used to do with Prototype:

MyClass = Class.create();

MyClass.prototype = {
  initialize: function(options) {

Then I could create a new MyClass with:

var mc = new MyClass({});

Does jQuery have anything like Prototype's Class.create()? And if not, how do I get the same kind of thing without a library?

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Phil Kulak Avatar asked Aug 01 '09 01:08

Phil Kulak

People also ask

How do you target a class in jQuery?

In jQuery, the class and ID selectors are the same as in CSS. If you want to select elements with a certain class, use a dot ( . ) and the class name. If you want to select elements with a certain ID, use the hash symbol ( # ) and the ID name.

What is $() in jQuery?

In the first formulation listed above, jQuery() — which can also be written as $() — searches through the DOM for any elements that match the provided selector and creates a new jQuery object that references these elements: 1. $( "div.

How do you access a class in JavaScript?

A JavaScript class is a type of function. Classes are declared with the class keyword. We will use function expression syntax to initialize a function and class expression syntax to initialize a class. We can access the [[Prototype]] of an object using the Object.

How do you check if an element contains a class in jQuery?

jQuery hasClass() Method The hasClass() method checks if any of the selected elements have a specified class name. If ANY of the selected elements has the specified class name, this method will return "true".

2 Answers

I use the jquery extend function to extend a class prototype.

For example:

MyWidget = function(name_var) {

$.extend(MyWidget.prototype, {
   // object variables
   widget_name: '',

   init: function(widget_name) {
     // do initialization here
     this.widget_name = widget_name;

   doSomething: function() {
     // an example object method
     alert('my name is '+this.widget_name);

// example of using the class built above
var widget1 = new MyWidget('widget one');

Note: I asked a related question about this same topic.

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Devon Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09


jQuery uses the standard javascript functionality for creating new classes.

There are some fine examples on the web, but I would recommend looking at David Flanagan's books Javascript: The Definitive Guide.

Object-Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript and Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

I apologize, I completely misunderstood your original post. I'm guessing that you actually want to know how to extend the jQuery $ object. This is easily doable, there are a large number of plugins out there for doing so. There is a tutorial on the jQuery site for doing this: Getting Started With jQuery

Essentially, though, you use

 jQuery.fn.foobar = function() {
   // do something
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Jeremiah Peschka Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Jeremiah Peschka