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How can I get better error information with try/except in Python

Consider this try/except block I use for checking error message stored in e.

Try/Catch to get the e

queryString = "SELECT * FROM benchmark WHERE NOC = 2"
    res = db.query(queryString) 
except SQLiteError, e:
    # `e` has the error info 
    print `e`

The e object here contains nothing more than the above string. When python reports an unhandled error, however, it shows a pretty detailed info as below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "fool.py", line 1, in 
    open("abc.zyz", "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'abc.zyz'

My question is, how can I get the information such as above (the file and the line number etc.)? Or, if e contains this info, how is it stored inside it?

like image 862
prosseek Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 01:09


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1 Answers

This will show the trace to the error.

import traceback

    res = db.query(queryString) 
except SQLiteError, e:
    # `e` has the error info 
    print `e`
    for tb in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
        print tb
like image 99
eat_a_lemon Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09
