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How can I get an integer from setTimeout in Nodejs?


People also ask

How do I get setTimeout to return value?

To get return value from setTimeout with JavaScript, we can create a promise from the setTimeout code. const x = () => { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window. setTimeout(() => { resolve("done!"); }); }); return promise; }; const y = async () => { const result = await x(); console. log(result); };

Does setTimeout work in node js?

setTimeout is a built-in Node. js API function which executes a given method only after a desired time period which should be defined in milliseconds only and it returns a timeout object which can be used further in the process.

What is the return type of setTimeout?

The Return Type for setTimeout() in Typescript # log('success'); }, 1500); console. log(timeout); The ReturnType utility type allows us to construct a type that consists of the return type of the passed in function.

The documentation on Timers for nodejs says that setTimeout will return a timeoutId http://nodejs.org/api/timers.html#timers_cleartimeout_timeoutid

When I use javascript in a web broswer, then I get an integer as a return value.

var b = setTimeout(function(){console.log("Taco Bell")})
// b = 20088

When I use node and do the same thing, the return is

var b = setTimeout(function(){console.log("Taco Bell")})
// { _idleTimeout: 60000,
//   _idlePrev: 
//     { _idleNext: [Circular],
//       _idlePrev: [Circular],
//       ontimeout: [Function] },
//   _idleNext: 
//     { _idleNext: [Circular],
//       _idlePrev: [Circular],
//       ontimeout: [Function] },
//   _onTimeout: [Function],
//   _idleStart: Wed Jan 30 2013 08:23:39 GMT-0800 (PST) }

What I would like to do is store the setTimeout integer into redis and then clear it later. So I try to do something like this

var redis = require('redis');
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
var delay = setTimeout(function(){console.log("hey")}, 20000);
var envelope  = { 'body' : 'body text', 'from' : '[email protected]', 'to' : '[email protected]', 'subject' : 'test subject', 'delay' : delay };
redisClient.hset("email", JSON.stringify(envelope), redis.print);

But then I get an error from JSON.stringify about not being able to handle Circular Objects. Is there a way to either have setTimeout return the ID or store enough of the object into redis to be able to clear later?