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How can I get a phpunit.bat after install phpunit via PEAR?

I need a phpunit.bat to configure my NetBeans IDE.

I'm using wamp, and I just install phpunit via pear using these instructions:

Before start using PEAR, Update by downloading last go-pear from http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar and save it into: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.3\PEAR


cd C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0>
php -d phar.require_hash=0 PEAR/go-pear.phar
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

After do that I can't find any phpunit.bat or phpunit.php

How can I get a phpunit.bat (or any CLI) after install phpunit via PEAR?

like image 653
texai Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 16:03


1 Answers


pear config-show

look for the PEAR executables directory

Your phpunit.bat will be there.

If it isn't:

pear install --alldeps --force phpunit/phpunit

and look again.

like image 178
edorian Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
