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How can I generate the opposite color according to current color?

I'm trying to create a color opposite of current color. I mean if current color is black, then I need to generate white.

Actually I have a text (the color of this text is dynamic, its color can be made at random). That text is into a div and I need to set the opposite color of that text for the background-color of div. I would like that text be clear in the div (color perspective).

The opposite color means: Dark / Bright

I have the current color of text and I can pass it to this function:

var TextColor = #F0F0F0;    // for example (it is a bright color)  function create_opp_color(current color) {      // create opposite color according to current color  }  create_opp_color(TextColor); // this should be something like "#202020" (or a dark color) 

Is there any idea to create create_opp_color() function?

like image 401
stack Avatar asked Mar 13 '16 11:03


People also ask

How do you find the opposite color of a color?

Finding a complementary color is very simple in the RGB model. For any given color, for example, red (#FF0000), you need to find the color, which, after being added to red, creates white (0xFFFFFF). Naturally, all you need to do, is subtract red from white and get cyan (0xFFFFFF - 0xFF0000 = 0x00FFFF).

How do you invert colors in RGB?

To get the inverted colour we first deduct the red part from 255, which leaves 0. To get the green part we deduct 182 from 255 which is 73. To get the blue part we deduct 193 from 255, which is 62. So the new inverted colour is RGB(0, 73, 62), which is a sort of green/blue colour.

How do I invert Colours in HTML?

CSS allows you to invert the color of an HTML element by using the invert() CSS function that you can pass to the filter property. Because the default color of the text is black, the color is inverted into white with filter: invert(100%) syntax.

2 Answers

UPDATE: Production-ready code on GitHub.

This is how I'd do it:

  1. Convert HEX to RGB
  2. Invert the R,G and B components
  3. Convert each component back to HEX
  4. Pad each component with zeros and output.
function invertColor(hex) {     if (hex.indexOf('#') === 0) {         hex = hex.slice(1);     }     // convert 3-digit hex to 6-digits.     if (hex.length === 3) {         hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];     }     if (hex.length !== 6) {         throw new Error('Invalid HEX color.');     }     // invert color components     var r = (255 - parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16)).toString(16),         g = (255 - parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16)).toString(16),         b = (255 - parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16)).toString(16);     // pad each with zeros and return     return '#' + padZero(r) + padZero(g) + padZero(b); }  function padZero(str, len) {     len = len || 2;     var zeros = new Array(len).join('0');     return (zeros + str).slice(-len); } 

Example Output:

enter image description here

Advanced Version:

This has a bw option that will decide whether to invert to black or white; so you'll get more contrast which is generally better for the human eye.

function invertColor(hex, bw) {     if (hex.indexOf('#') === 0) {         hex = hex.slice(1);     }     // convert 3-digit hex to 6-digits.     if (hex.length === 3) {         hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];     }     if (hex.length !== 6) {         throw new Error('Invalid HEX color.');     }     var r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16),         g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16),         b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16);     if (bw) {         // https://stackoverflow.com/a/3943023/112731         return (r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114) > 186             ? '#000000'             : '#FFFFFF';     }     // invert color components     r = (255 - r).toString(16);     g = (255 - g).toString(16);     b = (255 - b).toString(16);     // pad each with zeros and return     return "#" + padZero(r) + padZero(g) + padZero(b); } 

Example Output:

enter image description here

like image 172
Onur Yıldırım Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Onur Yıldırım

Simple and elegant.

function invertHex(hex) {   return (Number(`0x1${hex}`) ^ 0xFFFFFF).toString(16).substr(1).toUpperCase() }  invertHex('00FF00'); // Returns FF00FF 
like image 27
Gerardlamo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
